Worship with us in-person Sunday mornings at 9 a.m.

Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits

We are collecting items for the Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits:

  •  Light-weight bath-size towels
  • Bars of soap
  • Adult-size toothbrushes
  • Sturdy combs
  • Metal nail clippers

The deadline for donations is Sunday, October 13, 2024.

Food Shelf Coat Drive

  • Annual Plainview-Elgin Area Food Shelf distribution of winter outerwear
  • Donations should be new or clean, gently worn coats, scarved, mittens and boots of all sizes.
  • Donation drop-off locations:
    • Peoples State Bank, 155 East Main, Elgin: M-F 8a-5p, Sa 8a-12p
    • Peoples State Bank, 100 4th Ave SE, Plainview: M-F 8a-5p, Sa 8a-12p
    • Food Shelf, 25 Main ST W, Elgin: Wednesdays 9a-5p
  • Donations accepted September 30 - October 18, 2024
  • Distribution will begin Wednesday, October 16th and run for three weeks.


Operation Christmas Child

Send a gift-filled shoebox in Jesus' name.

  • There are 80 Operation Christmas Child boxes filled and ready to be shipped.
  • The cost to ship each box to another country is $10.
  • If you would like to sponsor a box(es), write a check out to Operation Christmas Child.
  • Checks can be given to Ginny Mielke or left in the OCC box by the front entrance.
  • The deadline is Sunday, November 10, 2024
  • Direct questions to Ginny Mielke, 507-259-3261.


Volunteers needed for Altar Guild/Care

Seeking volunteers to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, altar linens and sanctuary.

Main duties include:

  • Paraments:
    • Ensuring the appropriate color of the church season is placed on the altar throughout the year.
    • Changing the paraments as the seasons change.
    • Keeping the paraments clean (washing & ironing), mending as needed and reporting need for replacement.
  •  Decorating:
    • Ensuring the appropriate decor of the church season is displayed throughout the year, including:
      • Setting up and taking down decor as seasons change.
      • Ordering flowers.
      • Christmas tree(s) selection, delivery, set up, decorating, and take down.
      • Setting up & taking down candles placed on the altar for special services like All Saints Day & Christmas Eve services.
  • Plant/Flower/Tree Care
    • Watering sanctuary plants, flowers, and Christmas tree as needed.
    • Ensuring inventory of necessary supplies & decor throughout the year and communicating
      the needs with the Church Secretary, such as candles, oil, seasonal decor, etc.,
    • Preparing candles for the congregation to use during candlelight services.
    • Cleaning votive candle holders as needed.

All are welcome to join this group as individuals or families. Interests may be with one of the duties or all of them. Looking to bring the interests/talents of many to this group to ensure our altar and sanctuary needs are met throughout the year.