Worship with us in-person Sunday mornings at 9:00am
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 7pm. Worship will include the imposition of ashes and holy communion.
Community Youth Night
Saturday, 2/15/2025, 6pm-Midnight
- Grades 5-12
- Immanuel Lutheran
- Worship, Gym Games, Crafts and Dinner
- *NEW* this year - BOWLING at Gopher Lanes!
- All students must be registered by Friday, 2/14/2025
- Direct questions to Matthew Feils, 507-923-0462
Plainview Community Center Monthly Breakfast Buffet Fundraiser
What: Breakfast Buffet includes regular, blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits & sausage gravy, cinnamon rolls, coffee, milk, juice or water. All food will be prepared by the food manager.
Why: This is a fundraiser to help pay down the loan from total kitchen upgrade.
Cost: Free will donation
Where: Plainview Community Center, 346 West Broadway, Plainview, MN 55964
When: 2nd Sunday of each month, 8am-1pm
Community Announcement:
- Al-Anon meets weekly on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm
- Plainview Church of Christ, 205 First Street NE
- (Enter Door#3) on 2nd Avenue.
Thrivent Choice Dollars
Are you an investor with Thrivent? You can direct your 2024 Choice Dollars to Good Shepherd before the Monday, 3/31/2025 deadline. Good Shepherd will use them to assist one of our students that attends a Lutheran college by providing a scholarship opportunity.
Passing on the Faith Coordinator
As we search for our next Passing on the Faith Coordinator, we are looking for volunteers to:
- Compile survey responses
- Search Committee volunteers
Good Earth Village Bible Camp
Registration is Open!
Volunteers are needed for the VBS planning team beginning in March. Contact Carole Joyce to join the team!