Abundantly Clear

Abundantly Clear, our 2025 Stewardship Initiative has come to an official end. Thanks to all that have made financial commitments for the coming year!!! To those who have yet to decide on a commitment or to share your intent, please know that your financial support whenever and however it comes is welcome and appreciated. We invite you to make a difference. If we all make an effort, we’ll get there. If you give regularly, please consider increasing the size of your gift by 5-10%. If you do not give on a regular basis, please consider doing so, maybe starting at $10 a week. Our Simply Giving/Vanco program makes the process easy. Please reach out to the Church Office for more information.


Please return completed forms to Good Shepherd in person, by email or mail to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 355, Plainview, MN 55964

  • Good Shepherd 2025 Statement of Intent
  • Simply Giving Form Good Shepherd offers electronic giving which allows you to make donations on a scheduled automated basis to a number of different church funds of your choice! For those increasing their Simply Giving, remember to go into your Vanco account and delete the old amount.
  • Time and Talent Form Connecting with Good Shepherd members to identify and match up gifts & passions with opportunities to serve within the church and community.

Thank you for contributing to the ministry of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church!


Your generosity makes ministry happen at Good Shepherd.  Thank you!  Offerings and gifts to Good Shepherd can be given in any of the following ways:  mail your check to Good Shepherd, give at a service of worship using the offering boxes on either side of the sanctuary doors, or contribute online. We thank you for your continued support of the ministries of Good Shepherd.  We would not be able to do what we do without people like you who generously give to our congregation!

Offering Envelopes

Envelope usage is down considerably due to growing use of online giving options. Please contact the church office to order offering envelopes. If you would like to convert to electronic giving, refer to Electronic Giving.

Noisy Offerings

March 2025:  PEM Food Shelf

How can I give?

II Corinthians 8:1-4 Paul speaking to the Macedonians: “Now …. we want you to know about the grace that God has given…for out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in the rich generosity.  For I testify that they gave as much as they were able and even beyond their ability. In these difficult times, we learn to “Give”, for in our Giving; be it a phone call, email, text, running an errand, providing a meal, etc. we receive so much more in return!

Amazon Smile

Remember to use Amazon Smile when you do your shopping! Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Electronic Giving

Simple – Convenient – No cost – Full Control

To give a onetime gift or setup regular giving (Weekly or Month) follow the steps below: 

  1. Select the Vanco link
  2. Once on the Vanco site, you will be given a step-by-step process:
    • Create your profile – email address, name, bank routing number and the account you wish to draw from and password etc.
    • Select your preferred start date, donation date and frequency (weekly, monthly etc.)
    • Select the fund(s) you wish to contribute to: General, Building Fund, Youth etc/

If you have any questions, please contact the church office or Kory Bigalk, (507) 251-0983. Thank you for contributing to the ministry of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church!

Updating Simply Giving / Vanco Account

To increase the amount, you are giving through the Simply Giving/Vanco:
  1. You will need to cancel your old amount if you have a payment already scheduled.
    • To cancel your scheduled payment(s), please go under Your Profile when you are on the Vanco website and cancel your previously scheduled payment.
    • You do not need to contact your bank.
  2. Then you can go to Your Profile on the Vanco site and select your preferred start date, donation date and frequency.
    • Select the fund(s) you wish to contribute to General, Building Fund, etc.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office or Kory Bigalk, 507-251-0983.
Thank you for contributing to the ministry of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church!
