Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4: 11

Everything we have is a gift from God.  We share our time, talents, and treasures in thankfulness to God.  We are called to reach out with Jesus’ love in our congregation, the community, and the world.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church supports several missions through the year including the following:

ELCA Mission support-this funding allows the ELCA to establish the infrastructure utilized in carrying out God’s work across North America and throughout the world. For more information:

Plainview-Elgin-Milville local area Food Shelf – the food shelf is our primary external mission project to impact our community.  We support the food shelf through fundraising, advocacy, and volunteers.  Wednesday Lenten and Advent offerings as well as four noisy offerings per year are focused on the food shelf.  A special emphasis is made in March to correlate with Minnesota Food Share’s March Campaign.

Operation Christmas Child – During November, school supplies, candy, and toys are collected and sent off in shoe boxes to provide hope for kids around the world.  Contact Ginny Mielke for more information at 534-3357.

Good Earth Village (GEV) – Located near Spring Valley, Minnesota, GEV provides an opportunity for youth to explore their faith in a supportive and fun camp environment.  Adult and family opportunities and retreats are also available.  Good Shepherd will support GEV through noisy & special offerings. For more information:

School Food Backpacks – Good Shepherd packs school food backpacks two months of each academic year. These backpacks are distributed through the schools to families in need of extra food assistance. Each backpacks contains 2 breakfast items, 2 lunch items, vegetables, and 2 snack items per child.


Lutheran World Relief Kits – Lutheran World Relief Kits help provide the necessities for good hygiene care for people following a natural disaster or when war drives families from their homes. Each fall we collect bath towels, bars of soap, toothbrushes, combs and nail clippers to assemble into Personal Care Kits. These kits are assembled after worship on MEA weekend. Include Link:

Noisy Offering – Each month a need or outreach program is designated for a loose change/noisy offering. Noisy Offerings help out such programs as the local food shelf, Lutheran World Relief-Ukraine, Good Earth Village, and more!

Care Packages – Each year care packages are sent out to those serving in the military and recent high school grads.

Blanket Making –Throughout the year people gather together to make blankets for others.  Blankets are given to all who are baptized, high school graduates, Ronald McDonald House, Thrive (a ministry for young boys in foster care), and other non profits.

Community Groups – Many community groups use the building to meet including Just for Kix, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts.